Monday, September 14, 2009

How common are eating disorders?

When I think of eating disorders, I usually associate them with teens. More specifically young girls. About 5-10 million females are suffering from eating disorders in the U.S. Females are not the only ones with this problem though, about 1 million young men are also struggling with eating disorders. Though young women are not the only ones with this problem, they are the most common individuals affected. If you want more information about how common eating disorders are among people, then you should definitely go to this website. It not only tells you how common they are, but also elaborates on some causes and tells how to prevent your loved ones from getting eating disorders. I think it's always good to be informed about things like this so you know how to prevent it from happening, or how to stop it if it already has happened.


  1. Bre, It disgusts me to think of how many women, and men have such a poor self-image. We often see commercials on tv for weight-loss and often try to convince people that they aren't fine the way they are. People need to be accepted for who they are, they should never have to resort to starvation to try to fit in.

  2. Wow!I had no idea eating disorders were some common amongst men as well. Most of the men I know are trying to bulk up by overeating to build muscle quicker not starving to slim down. This gave me great insight on that side of the disorder. As a girl I do understand the common pressures of staying thin as many of my friends have borderline eating disorders.

  3. Check this out, written by a very good friend of mine:

  4. That is crazy. i never knew that many women were suffering from eating disorders. It really surprised me that a lot of men have eating disorders too. i like your blog keep it up

  5. That is really surprising that so many women are suffering from eating disorders. Its also shocking to see how many men are suffering. You did a good job of explaining everything and I can't wait to read more about eating disorders.

  6. Why are so many men acquiring these eating disorders? i talked to my friend, and asked him if he would ever starve himself. He just replied " I have no reason too, im happy with my body for the most part." I guess men are starting to feel insecure with their bodies just like females are.

  7. I wonder why so many people are unhappy with the way they look? I think people should be accepted with who they and not what they look like, then we wouldnt have these probelms with eating disorders because no one would care and no one would judge you.

  8. You might look at the Nov issue of Glamour magazine and its article "Are you ready to start a body image revolution."

  9. Have you seen the news about the German magazine, Brigitte, deciding to only use "real" models? Here's a link:

  10. Check this out . . . model fired for being too fat (posted by Elizabeth on Carly's blog)
